Dalek Museum Visit – Blackpool – Sept 07
By Adnaan - Last updated: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - Save & Share - 4 Comments
We went on a secret mission to the world famous dalek museum in Blackpool.
Whilst entry was easy, exiting was far more dangerous with daleks roaming the musem
The Daleks were impressed by me and my brother and offered us a job as fellow daleks.
HOW To Make a Dalek !
Me and my brother Sami were ideal candidates for becoming daleks. I was the brain and my brother was good for moving the Arms.
4 Responses to “Dalek Museum Visit – Blackpool – Sept 07”
Comment from ILoveNoob
Time May 17, 2010 at 11:04 am
I’ve been to there and belive you me that Dalek is in real bad shape
Comment from derek
Time July 23, 2010 at 3:16 pm
looks like a 1965-1967 dalek
it must be a borrowed prop from the studios…
the reason its in bad shape….
what happened to the eye?
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Comment from Hamid
Time July 1, 2009 at 1:59 pm
Sikedy How can it be more dangerous than daleks roaming the museum