Archive for 'history' Category
Age Of War 1 Strategy Game online
Age of war 1 is a strategy game on the internet. It is’nt better than age of war 2 although it is still a very good strategy game because you get to learn all about history. You have to earn expireience to evolve to the next age, if you get enouph expirience you can get a special [...]
Tudor Britain was very hash and life average was 35 years Tudor England was a farming society. Most people were poor and lived very small villages .rich people were normally kings and queens and they . There non of the comforts we have today. water was collected from village pumps or stream. Rich Tudors use to show of there riches. [...]
is about 300 spatans fuoght to death against the most powerful city in greek. glory violence movie , and it really happend afew hundred years ago.