lego land

By Adnaan - Last updated: Monday, June 22, 2009

Friday go to my dads work 15 minutes later he comes in the car 1hour and 40 minutes we stop to have rest at a café we eated  fish and chips when we aet  we went back in the car. When we arrives the fist ride we went on was the lego cars

I went to the drive car I drived it 7 times after that me my dad and my brother went to drive the boat half the way I was driving the boat the other half  my brother. We leaving lego land so we t a shop and we bought chiken and chips in the car.  We went to the hotel we went to sleep the next morning we work up and we to get some food when we was eating breakfast I saw  my uncle and my 2 cousins . when we aet we went to lego land again this time we went on better rides I went on the car once we drived the boat we went on the gladiater  ride we went to a lego mini town .on one of the buildings it had a dalek on it. The next thing I we went to was a log that falls down a water fall. Lego land was closing after that we went to get chiken and chips. When we aet it we went home

Filed in Holidays

safari park

By Adnaan - Last updated: Monday, June 22, 2009

went to safari park and saw lots of animals I saw monkeys tigers lions ostrige Rhihno  giraf  zebra elaphant and lots more animals  after I looked at animals I went on the rides then went home.

Filed in Holidays

War Of The Universe episode 2

By Adnaan - Last updated: Monday, June 22, 2009

When Adnaan and his class crashed in escape pods to earth they  got out  and they  crashed  in Adnaans lab they repaired   the lab . Then they  stated going school again  .  The military  explained  to the normal people they said that there 2 types of aliens Dalek and also highbreed  then they said  they  killed every Dalek and Highbreed  they didn’t now that Adnaan and his class did it. But  Daleks and   highbreed didn’t die they got ripped to shreds then they started revolving year by year   then they came alive  stronger . Some thing was evolving it was created when the Highbreed was created it wasn’t in the great war it kept evolving and evolving it could be stronger then the Daleks Highbreed  and Humans. They called them selves Cylons  they  waited till the next war.

2 years  later every body forget about  the great war Evan Adnaan did. 

The Daleks and Highbreed seeked  revenge on the humans they were  still

 enemies  at each other in addition  to they  planed a attack on humans . A Dalek

ship landed in the military  base they shot the Daleks that came .  Adnaan

just found out that Daleks and Highbreed were alive. Adnaan gathered  his class he said Daleks and Highbreed were alive they prepared to attack but this time they joined the military . They said  that  they blew up master ships the military believed them . Nobody new about the Cylons . They  attacked  in the west of  milky way  now the Cylons repaired the war began  brrrrrrrr   drrrrrrrrr  boom boom exterminate exterminate  boom boom brrrr drrrrrrrrr  bang bang  the Clons did not join the battle yet . then a massive heat wave from the sun   flew threw the battle  some of the Daleks Highbreed and Humans died  . then Cylons came  the  Cylons were killing every thing the  Daleks  sended a ship to The Cylon planet   saw did the humans.  The Highbreed  fighted and they died the and the rest of Daleks and humans died. Adnaan and his class were on that ship and lots more soldiers it was biggest ship they had. 

Filed in war of the universe series

War Of The Universe Episode 1 – The War Begins – season 1 the attack

By Adnaan - Last updated: Monday, June 22, 2009

One day there was a massive heat wave between the sun and the moon .It was so powerful it created a metal life form like a robot they called them selves  Daleks.2 years later the Daleks created weapons also they located Earth.1 Month later the Daleks planed a

Attack on Earth the Daleks lived in Jupiter.2 Weeks

Before the war  started the Humans from Earth

Just found out that there are aliens in space . A

Signal came from the Daleks they said we are the

The Daleks we will exterminate you all. The Humans and Daleks prepared for battle. The war was in the north of the milky way . The Humans and Daleks got in line formation in addition to  they brought weapons. The war had just began  brrrr drrrrrrr bang  bang  boom boom boom exterminate exterminate exterminate .

There were flying  tanks helicopters planes jets heavy artillery space ships  heavy infantry  ak47s lasers space bazookas pistols grenades. Just then another  heat wave happened in the east of the universe  the alien was  called  highbreed there minions were called DNaliens .2 Months later the highbreed  created weapons also they lived on mars and they found out that were Daleks and Humans 1 week later the highbreed joined the great war.

Back down on Earth a 8 year old boy called Adnaan was creating galactic space ships  also he made powerful canons for space ships and lots more weapons in his own private secret lab. But Adnaan wasn’t a genius he new lots about since and history and his literacy and maths were okay . Adnaan did no about the great war in space that’s  why he started making weapons and space ships. When ever he went some where he carried  weapons.

He went to school and writed in his jotter .

When suddenly a Dalek came in the room then Adnaan shot the Dalek. Then Adnaan and his class checked every room  but every one else was exterminated by the Daleks. Then he told every body what happened  . He unravelled his secret about his lab the war and that he makes weapon that’s all he told them .The Daleks were out side the school Adnaan created  more weapons and gave them to every body in his class. Some Daleks came inside the school Adnaan and his class shooted the Daleks  and they blew up the Daleks that came in. Just then 50 more Daleks came in the school.

Adnaan and his class threw grenades also  they shooted at the Daleks then the 50 Daleks blew up. Then a Dalek came behind some one in Adnaans class then saw every one else it tried to exterminate every one in Adnaans class and Adnaan. But the Dalek only exterminated  every girl in the class . then the boys destroyed the Dalek and killed the Daleks out side the school.  Just then  1 space ship full of DNaliens was land on the school field to kill every at the school . Adnaan  quickly   went to the nearest   entrance  to his lab that was on the grass that was on left field  out side his school. Then they got the canons that was in Adnaans lab ready and fired at the space ship full of DNaliens it blew up. Then they got in to a galactic space ship .

They  drived the space ship to the great war in space . they attacked the Dalek mother ship. They fired all canons then they went in side pods  and the pods took them to the Dalek mother ship. In the Dalek mother called skaro then Adnaan and the boys  were walking then some Daleks came they shooted the Daleks that came brrrr drrrrrrrrrrrrrrr they blowed up the daleks that came just then more Daleks came and DNaliens the DNaliens shooted the Daleks  and the boys. But the took a quick duck non of the boys got shot  then they killed the Daleks and DNaliens that came after that  the boys got in to groups. Adnaan was in and the leader of group1 Jake was the leader of group 2 . group one had to go on the Dalek master ship to activate nuclear missile. Group 2 had to go on the highbreed  master ship. Group1 got on to the   Dalek master ship they were going to the middle of the ship when millions of Daleks came quickly they activated the bomb and group 2 did they went on escape pods to earth .

Filed in war of the universe series

The New Doctor Who 2009

By admin - Last updated: Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hi All

I am the new Doctor Who !

New Doctor Who

New Doctor Who

Filed in Dr Who

About Me – Adnaan Walayat

By Adnaan - Last updated: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Read the rest of this entry »

Filed in Family and Friends

Dalek Museum Visit – Blackpool – Sept 07

By Adnaan - Last updated: Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We went on a secret mission to the world famous dalek museum in Blackpool.

Whilst entry was easy, exiting was far more dangerous with daleks roaming the musem

The Daleks were impressed by me and my brother and offered us a job as fellow daleks.

HOW To Make a Dalek !

Me and my brother Sami were ideal candidates for becoming daleks. I was the brain and my brother was good for moving the Arms.


Filed in Dr Who, outings

Best FREE Dalek DR WHO Online Games

By Adnaan - Last updated: Friday, March 23, 2007

1. The Last Dalek

The Last Dalek Free Online Game


2. Dalek Vs Cybermen

Dalek Vs Cybermen


3. Dalek Supreme

Dalek Supreme

4. Dalek: Dissolution Earth

Dalek: Dissolution Earth

Filed in Dr Who, Games